First Post of 2012. There is a busy Spring-Summer ahead of me, so I want to get started early I'll post some pictures a little later as far as what the Garden looks like now and some of my seedling trays to start off the year. I guess today is the official start of the Garden season for me. Mostly because today is the day I'm starting Tomatoes. I Think Tomatoes will be the only thing I start from seed this year, I have had pretty good luck with the peppers and other garden plants that I enjoy from the local nurseries. However, all the lovely heirloom tomato varieties that I love I can generally only find in a seed catalog or too pricey from a nursery in Salt Lake. On the agenda for this gardening year will be re-framing and re-skinning my Hoop Green house from last year, the old plastic was not Greenhouse grade and the sun from last summer caused some minor cracks, add to that a couple of pretty nasty wind storms over the winter and I have a nice convertible open top green house presently (Photos on the way). In addition, I lost both of my bee hives over the winter, one to a wax moth infestation, and the other simply absconded in both cases I feel it came down to simply a weak colony in each. The wax moth infested hive was a complete wash, however I was able to pull about 100 lbs of honeycomb out(give or take a dozen ounces here and there using my calibrated arms)of the other hive. This year I ordered 4 new packages of bees that I will pick up at the end of April. Also, I will be installing them into a more natural, eco-friendly, bee-friendly, wallet-friendly type of bee hive called a top bar Hive. So that will make for some fun projects I will be sharing on here as the projects materialize. My last big project for the early part of 2012 (spring) will be to replace my garden shed (You know that Truck camper shell with two walls and some shelves inside?)The new shed will be a garden shed slash chicken coop. Again there is another project that will garner some fun little pictures and/or videos on here for the year. I have several other small ideas swimming around in the ol' cerebellum that may pop up on here if I get time to implement them: some fruit tree grafting, some fence building, planting some type of shrub, bush, or hedge wall to block out grouchy neighbor etc.
Well Y'all have a splendid day..