The whole point of Square Foot Gardening (Per the book) is that once you invest the initial time into preparing the boxes and soil, it makes the rest of your gardening easy. That being said I tried square foot gardening last year, and I liked it. And I did really well with it. However, I built some boxes and set them "over here", and built some other boxes and put them on stilts "over there" then as things grew I thought 'Next year maybe this will work better "over there", and maybe those boxes on stilts will do better on the ground "over there". And I could add some more boxes that will get full sun all day "over there" and that will make my Tomatoes go crazy. So I'm sure in theory Square foot gardening can be and is easy once established. But my mind isn't easy and its never idle, and this year not only did I want to add more space and move all the stuff around that I did last year, I also decided to get me a few garden helpers. So I drove up to Logan and picked me up a few ladies, well for a price. Now don't worry I got them for a good price approx .02 cents a lady. I got about 10,000 of them. Honey bees that is. So now I'm a gardener AND a Beekeeper.
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