Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Hoop House update.

Did some more framing today. Put a door/window on the other end plus a center beam in this first picture

Here I added a middle support for the center beam made it so I can still walk down the center without negotiating a post. I walked along and hung my whole weight from four different spots along the beam and I'm not a little guy it should handle any snow!

(Click for Larger image)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Yard/Garden Update April 5th

Howdy (tippin hat)! Just a quick garden update, I did some work on the yard today, and over the past few weeks so I thought I'd show a few things going on. Mostly the hoop house greenhouse.

(As always click on pictures for bigger images)

Here is a tray of my Tomatoes at just about a month of growth on the seedling rack

Here I have the bottom frame of the greenhouse laid out, which will be part frame, support, and part garden raised vegetable boxes.

Got the frames all put together

Here I framed in a "re-purposed" storm door for the entrance to the hoophouse.

I tentatively stretched some plastic over the frames, I still have some framing to do on the other end and some support framing to help hold up the hoops over the winter.